why is play important

Why is play important

Young children’s growth and development has a pattern and sequence which is related to age. Children progress in several areas such as in physical growth, capacity for language, comprehension or in skills of interaction. Children need to move in order to master body control, they need to explore, manipulate objects and repeat actions to exercise their mental, social and manual skills, with enough opportunities to handle materials, experience the world around them, and perform tasks of increasing complexity. Children get nourishment for their growth needs through play.

In the formative years between birth to the age of six, children must be in an environment that enhances their major domains of growth – physical, motor, comprehension and communication skills. Their environment must give them enough impetus and challenge. This is done by providing them adequate experiences with objects and in interactions and by enabling them to indulge in activities  which appeal to their basic playful nature.

Modern thinking on education affirms that the goal of teaching – learning process is to teach children “how to learn” that is , to explore, discover and practise thinking skills and process information so as to understand the world around. this cannout be “taught” it has to be learnt.

Teachers hence must know

– the needs, abilities and interest of children in relation to age

– the patterns of interaction and activities that will foster development in all domains and

– the diverse social and cultural practices, concerns and values that influence children’s development.

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